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Showing posts from May, 2022

OSINT: Learning by Doing. A walkthrough of The Seint's OSINT Puzzles - PART 4

This is the final part of my walkthrough of an OSINT CTF set by The Seint in a GitHub repo you can find  here . So far, each subsequent step is nested inside a zip archive that is unlocked by solving the previous step. Each layer is password protected, the password being an MD5 hash of the previous stage's answer. You can fins the beginning of the series here . WARNING: Obviously there are spoilers in this series; they are a walkthrough after all! STEP 6 - It's Over Now... Opening , we find the usual contents... step6.txt step6 - hint.txt As before, we'll try getting through this without a hint, and in step6.txt  we have our clue: This is the last step of this trip around the world. The title of this quiz contains a part of the album name, recorded by a band from a Northern-European country. This band recorded a very popular song in 1990. However, this recording was a slightly changed version of the same song recorded back in 1987. In the lyrics,...